balance 2015-09-17 17:10:14
balance 2015-09-17 17:04:59
przyda się! dzięki
balance 2015-09-17 17:00:48
ja uwielbiam oglądać tv
balance 2015-09-17 16:59:24
ok. zapamietam
balance 2015-09-17 16:52:08
nie bardzo to wszystko rozumiem
aoniuh 2015-09-16 20:40:10
Wife in the hospital after graduation to work for everyday care tasks are very heavy, pulse measurement is needed to watch, whenever you want to give the patient pulse should borrow someone else's watch, need to buy a watch. How many times and her shopping, she kept throughout the day in front of the clock counter, and the two men decided to concentrate resources to accomplish great things, with two people a month's salary, to buy her a piece of "Shanghai" watches, happy wife has in mind. Now this watch is also quite accurate, just a long time, is a bit old. Now life easier, and also has the ability to change better watch out, so in the weekend before the birthday of his wife, had in store for her to buy a piece of Switzerland "tonsure" automatic watches, watches and she bought me the same brand is "couple table".
mgoira 2015-09-16 20:38:25
I saw the watch to the ups and downs of China's reform and opening up for a few decades, a small watch, scrimped and saved to buy for the whole family to the later popularity from the start, and then to decline and eventually become a fashion, reflecting social development, reflects the reform brings real benefits to people.
AneczkaW 2015-09-16 20:38:18
Mikstura jest bardzo skuteczna może tylko ci co nie przepadają za czosnkiem
mogą "kręcić nosem" ale warto!!! Czekamy na dalsze przepisy:-)
oPcart 2015-09-16 19:26:11
Until I went to junior high with his father from rural to city of reading, then comes the beginning of the Reformation, electronic hawkers from the South to the North, some students wore a show off in front of me, I also want to have a piece of my own spreadsheet, but I did not ask his father for always, know it is difficult. Makes me believe to be that one day his father suddenly pulled out from his pocket a spreadsheet of my dreams, let me surprise, knew that his father knew my thoughts. I treasured up, timekeeping, calendars automatically adjust quickly, wears well and as good as new for a long time, until the battery runs out only 10,000 are not prepared to put in the closet store.
daxteP 2015-09-16 19:11:28
In recent years, the watch has become a fashion, friends are wearing expensive watches, I also want to buy a right to watch, but for girls to go to college, has not been taken into account. On the eve of my 45 birthday, my wife asked me the gift for birthday, I did not think of what he didn't say anything until two days before the birthday, my wife dragged me to the mall to watch the counter before saying: "buy a watch, I took the money. "I looked down and saw, now the watch is very expensive, with foreign brands, domestic brands, expensive piece of a hundred thousand of the table, cheap but also thousands of blocks, dizzying, and dazzling, but fit is the best, I finally choose suits I wear Switzerland" tonsure "brand automatic watch, still wear it today.
mlodyczytelnik 2015-09-16 14:20:08
książka bardzo fajna sama ją czytałam. na końcu troche smutna ale to tylko książka :)
breakup 2015-09-16 13:50:40
Zawsze mozesz pisac Lu dzw. Do mnie
czaaarownica 2015-09-16 04:59:53
Brawo! Tak trzymaj!
breakup 2015-09-15 21:54:17
Ty z tym Ksieciem skonczysz jak, ja z moja zona..
Pisalas kiedys ze on, dzwonil do ciebie bedac z swoja zona.. Powiedz mi, po co to robisz po co odbierasz. Nie widzisz ze, to Psychopata znecajacy sie nad swoja zona a ty jestes tylko jego zabawka na pocieszenie...

Tak, nie dawno pisalem o tym jak, moja zona lezac mi na klacie wypisywala sms-y do swojego kochasia... Poczulem sie jak, smiec. Skrzywdzony, zle potraktowany i zreszta oklamany.. Myslisz ze, Romeo bedzie sie cieszyc z jego telefonow ze wypisuje do ciebie, wydzwania ... On, tez moze poczuc sie przez ciebie odrzucony
breakup 2015-09-14 22:55:03
Fajnie ze ci sie uklada..
whitenote 2015-09-14 11:51:16
ostatnio coraz częściej jesień wskakuje na miejsce lata
bluemoon 2015-09-14 11:48:10
koncertowe życie ma swój urok
yellownote 2015-09-14 11:43:44
przy tym wszystkim coraz częściej zapominamy że przecież potrzeba - matką wynalazku ...
greennote 2015-09-14 11:40:55
piękny kwiat
bluenote 2015-09-14 11:39:25
Seigner we Francji gwiazda większa niż Polański