It's as magical as everything that happened in our love…
Our sweet love…
It's so simple that I don't know how to explain our love…
Our incredible love…
Everything was like a dream…
Everything will happen in our love…
And it is so it is and there is nothing to do with it…
She is like this, she is like this love happens…
It's so simple that I don't know how to explain our love…
Our sweet love…
And I don't know how long love will last but today…
There's nothing better…
Everything was like a dream…
Everything will happen in our love…
And it is so it is and there is nothing to do with it…
She is like this she is like this love happens…
Maybe it wasn't a coincidence that I met you...
Perhaps it was fate...
I want to fall asleep on your chest again...
so that your kisses would wake me up later...
Your sixth sense is sleeping with me...
I know that we will soon be united...
That mischievous smile that lives with me...
I know I will be on your way soon...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
So don't let me fall...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
I send you my handwritten poems...
I'm sending you songs 4:40...
I'm sending you photos when we ate dinner in Marbella...
And when we were in Venezuela...
That you would remember and remember me...
Because my heart is hung on your hands...
Careful, careful...
Because my heart is hung on your hands...
I will not lose hope that we talk...
I don't care what fate says...
I want your scent to be with me...
And drink what is forbidden from you...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
So don't let me fall...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
Sending you...
Careful, very careful...
Carefully, Marta, I tell you...
You have me in your hands...
I don't care what fate says...
Stay with me...
I want everything that is yours...
Your lips, your tenderness, what is forbidden...
Sending you...
Careful, careful...
Because my heart is hung on your hands...
❤️ ❤️ Są serca na świecie, co błądzą, co znaleźć się nie mogą,
lecz nasze się wkrótce połączą, na zawsze już będą ze sobą.❤️ ❤️
☀️ ? ?????? ?????????? Ż???Ę ?? ????Ś??,????????? ?Ś?????? ? ????ĘŚ??? ? ??Ł?Ś??.☀️
Moja piękna, proszę, spróbuj Dobra
skontaktuj się ze mną za pośrednictwem mojego e-maila, abym mógł powiedzieć ci więcej o sobie. (
Moja piękna, proszę, spróbuj Dobra
skontaktuj się ze mną za pośrednictwem mojego e-maila, abym mógł powiedzieć ci więcej o sobie. (
Moja piękna, proszę, spróbuj Dobra
skontaktuj się ze mną za pośrednictwem mojego e-maila, abym mógł powiedzieć ci więcej o sobie. (
Our sweet love…
It's so simple that I don't know how to explain our love…
Our incredible love…
Everything was like a dream…
Everything will happen in our love…
And it is so it is and there is nothing to do with it…
She is like this, she is like this love happens…
It's so simple that I don't know how to explain our love…
Our sweet love…
And I don't know how long love will last but today…
There's nothing better…
Everything was like a dream…
Everything will happen in our love…
And it is so it is and there is nothing to do with it…
She is like this she is like this love happens…
oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »
Perhaps it was fate...
I want to fall asleep on your chest again...
so that your kisses would wake me up later...
Your sixth sense is sleeping with me...
I know that we will soon be united...
That mischievous smile that lives with me...
I know I will be on your way soon...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
So don't let me fall...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
I send you my handwritten poems...
I'm sending you songs 4:40...
I'm sending you photos when we ate dinner in Marbella...
And when we were in Venezuela...
That you would remember and remember me...
Because my heart is hung on your hands...
Careful, careful...
Because my heart is hung on your hands...
I will not lose hope that we talk...
I don't care what fate says...
I want your scent to be with me...
And drink what is forbidden from you...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
So don't let me fall...
You know I'm hung on your hands...
Sending you...
Careful, very careful...
Carefully, Marta, I tell you...
You have me in your hands...
I don't care what fate says...
Stay with me...
I want everything that is yours...
Your lips, your tenderness, what is forbidden...
Sending you...
Careful, careful...
Because my heart is hung on your hands...
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lecz nasze się wkrótce połączą, na zawsze już będą ze sobą.❤️ ❤️
☀️ ? ?????? ?????????? Ż???Ę ?? ????Ś??,????????? ?Ś?????? ? ????ĘŚ??? ? ??Ł?Ś??.☀️
oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »
chcę Ci podziękować dziś i powiedzieć, że jesteś słodki jak Miś! ⋱❤️ ❤️⋱
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oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »
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i najmilsze słowa, Ci ślę...
Radosnych wieczoru ..życzę
Milutkich snów ..
buziaki zostawiam
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oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »
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oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »
skontaktuj się ze mną za pośrednictwem mojego e-maila, abym mógł powiedzieć ci więcej o sobie. (
oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »
skontaktuj się ze mną za pośrednictwem mojego e-maila, abym mógł powiedzieć ci więcej o sobie. (
oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »
skontaktuj się ze mną za pośrednictwem mojego e-maila, abym mógł powiedzieć ci więcej o sobie. (
oryginalna lokalizacja wpisu »