szpork:Do you really, seyosuilr, believe that the only folks that were on welfare were blacks? Do you really, seriously, believe that the only reason blacks were not employed is because of welfare or that they would rather have welfare? Please tell m
Så vakkert skrevet og så vakkert med kjolen i hagen!Godt med insporasjin her inne igjen... vært litt pause, livet ble fullt av så mye annet. Slik er det.Klem til deg fra Nanni ~
The Silent Shard…This tends to most likely be fairly valuable for a few of your respective employment I intend to will not only with my blogging site but…VA:F [1.48._1119]please wait...VA:F [1.9.8_1114](from 0 votes)
Dynovia ma kosę z brzozovia od lat a zgode jak już z samą Stalą a nie jej fanclubami, układ z wislokiem czarna jest nieaktualny przeszedł do historii ok. Rok temu